Sunday, March 22, 2009

In Florence, Barb and Irene discovered this incredible fabric store. I went back with them to see it. The owner was very, very nice. He and his brother have owned the store for over 30 years. This company (under different owners) made Queen Elizabeth's wedding dress. These owners have made gowns for Cher. It is a huge store with two floors of floor to ceiling fabric!!! I was in heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 We each bought a remnant of designer Italian fabric. Unfortunately we only had half an hour in the store before we had to leave for the airport. Actually that is a good thing, financially.

This antique loom is still used occasionally to weave fabrics. You will see a few of them below.

This fabric was woven on the loom above from silk and gold threads.

This is silver and gold threads used on the loom.

This fabric is woven from peacock feathers! I must raise peacocks and try this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Antique printing blocks for fabric.

Barb with the owner. He is holding the two pieces of fabric that Barb and I bought.
We were on the second floor of the store. Look at all that fabric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fabulous mohair fabrics in an incredible color!!!

Cutting and a fraction of the fabric in the store.

Fabulous mohair fabrics in an incredible color!!!

Cutting table and a fraction of the fabric in the store.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Today I took a taxi to the commissary to get groceries. Funny how exciting buying American food can be for a person. I took a nap today and worked on some art.
We went out to eat at Oliva for my B-day supper. The food is excellent there and it is not expensive. We had a great meal, a wonderful wine and a great dessert. We even had our favorite waitress.
I had a good day yesterday.
I had made copies of some of Barry's zine pages. The students weren't interested in them (their loss) so I tore them up for paper mache and decided to cover my bowl with them. I'm having 11 year olds make these bowls and I made this for an example. I like it so much I'm bringing it home and started another one to use for the example.
My dining room table is in typical condition.

I made this collage for my kitchen to help brighten it up. It is cupcakes but I'm not sure it worked very well.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I have added two new items to my Absolut collection!
I found the Absolut Vienna shirt at an over priced gift store.
The sequined bottle jacket I found in Kyiv. "In an Absolut world every night is a masquerade."

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Views in Florence.

The following pictures are the last of Florence. The next pictures I post will be of Orvieto. I can only think of the word charming to describe Orvieto.

I call this photo "wall of sandals". Guess what this store sells!
I added a feature to my blog site called followers. If you are following my blog site I guess you sign in and then I know who is following my postings. Being "older" it takes me awhile to figure out this technology stuff. Which reminds is my Birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! 51!!! Wow!
My brother-in-law Chris had his B-day on the 18th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chris! My Dad's is on the 20th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daddy! My friend Barry's is on the 23rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Barry! There are many people here at work that have March Birthdays, also. What a great month! And it is now officially spring.

This is a chalk drawing on the sidewalk.

Views of Florence.

These are crypts at the church below.

I liked the form of the trees.
The churchis La Basilica di San Miniato al Monte.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We took a city bus up to a hill where we had a wonderful view!

The first picture is of Boboli Gardens.
The third picture is of the Ponte Vecchio.
The last picture shows the only snow we saw on the trip.

In the first photo you can see Ponte Vecchio. In the third photo you see Bailica di San Lorenzo.

Vesspa's and small motorcycles are everywhere in Italy. It felt like a Vesspa motocross a lot of the time.

Ponte vecchio. This bridge has shops built onto both sides of it. They originally housed butcher shops and other vendors. Now the shops are filled with outrageously expensive jewelry shops.