Monday, March 8, 2010

This is the machine that brought us down to the Civil Defense building while we waited for some other machine to move the semi that was blocking the road so our bus could get through.
When we left the town by Petra we had to take a different route cuz the road we came in on wasn't safe to drive on. The rain turned to snow shortly after we started out of town. When we came to the top of a rise, below us was a semi-truck that was part way into our lane. We had to stop since we couldn't get by it. And it continued to snow. We sat there for over an hour. And it continued to snow. Lots of the men on the bus all had their own ideas about what to do; and men think women are bad! And it continued to snow. One woman started to panic. What fun! And it continued to snow. And I am freezing. Keith let me wear his wind breaker which helped some. And it continued to snow.Finally the machine in the picture arrived and took as many people off the bus as it could hold and we went to a civil defense building. And it continued to snow. What an adventure!!!

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