Monday, March 8, 2010

I have posted my pictures from my trip to Egypt. There are still some I need to get from Isobel.
The restaurants had lots of carved figures for decorations; supposedly out of butter. (They didn't look butter to Me.) Even an anatomically correct horse.

The boat ride to Jordan, looking back at Egypt. Petra in is Jordan.


I could only narrow down to 12 pictures of the sandstone cliffs in Petra; I have lots more.
The sandstone is beautiful!!!

The last of the cliff pictures!

The main temple in Petra. A scene from one of the Indiana Jones movies was filmed inside this temple. I think the guide said the latest movie.
It rained again briefly why we looking in this area.

This is what is left of a carving of a man leading two camels. what was left of the camels did not show up in the photo I took.
Some carvings on the way into Petra.

This is the main 'city' of Petra. By this time the lightening and thunder were wild. I snapped these pictures and headed back. I was cold and I knew it was going rain hard. By the time I got to the temple it started to rain. The path was a flash flood of water, with water pouring off the cliffs. I was soaked thru from head to foot and I was damn cold! It was cold enough to see your breath! I was soon walking in water that was mid-calf deep. I finally made it to the bus. My hands were so stiff with cold I couldn't move my fingers.
There were 5 other people on my bus who had walked thru it also.
It turned out that there was another way out of the canyon and everybody else on the bus walked the three miles out the other way. They didn't get so wet.

The amphitheater carved out of the sandstone cliff.
This is how much rain was coming down. The first picture is the water coming off one of the cliffs. You can see that the path is already deep with water. I was walking through water that was mid-calf deep. And it was COLD; my feet and ankles were numb!
The second picture is of the water coming down the channel. You could hear the boulders churning along with the water!

This is the machine that brought us down to the Civil Defense building while we waited for some other machine to move the semi that was blocking the road so our bus could get through.
When we left the town by Petra we had to take a different route cuz the road we came in on wasn't safe to drive on. The rain turned to snow shortly after we started out of town. When we came to the top of a rise, below us was a semi-truck that was part way into our lane. We had to stop since we couldn't get by it. And it continued to snow. We sat there for over an hour. And it continued to snow. Lots of the men on the bus all had their own ideas about what to do; and men think women are bad! And it continued to snow. One woman started to panic. What fun! And it continued to snow. And I am freezing. Keith let me wear his wind breaker which helped some. And it continued to snow.Finally the machine in the picture arrived and took as many people off the bus as it could hold and we went to a civil defense building. And it continued to snow. What an adventure!!!

Leaving Egypt.

This a view of the Sphinx Road. It is now being excavated throughout Luxor. Anything that is buit over it is now being torn down. The road runs from Luxor Temple to Karnak Temple. The plan is to have a tram run down it. So far they have not found any more Sphinx lining the road.
These pictures are of Luxor. We went to the Valley of the kings, the temple of Hatshupsut, Karnak Temple, and Luxor Temple. Luxor was a nice city. We had a great tour guide.

Farm life happening around Luxor.

I like the juxtaposition of the camels and the motorcycle. If only I wasn't on a bus hurtling down the highway I would have made a better composition.