Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day (one day late)! I had a great day. I had my group of friends over in the morning for for my infamous scones. I also made creme fraiche and lemon curd. It was all very delicious and we stuffed ourselves. Sam gave each of us two white tulips and chocolates. Barb and Isobel brought me a bromeliad and a fun card. In the afternoon I worked on a collage. At 4:30 Barb, Isobel and I met up to go downtown. We went out to eat at the French bakery. I had a Greek salad and spinach quiche. We then went to hear the National Philharmonic Orchestra. It was a fantastic concert (for the unbelievable price of US $6.13!). The first half consisted of Ukrainian songs and a woman sang for 4 of the songs. What a voice ! After intermission they played show tunes; from Cats, Smoke gets in your eyes; Stevie Wonder 'I just called to say I love you'; Man from La Manche; Get me to the church on time; the Can Can; From Evita, 'Don't cry for me Argentina'; something from My fair Lady; were some of them. It was very fun. We went out for a drink afterwards and had fabulous desserts. We bought flowers and pussywillows on the way home.

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