The following pictures are of the weekend I spent in Duluth for my nephew's wedding.
The day ofter the wedding we went to Gooseberry Falls.
My youngest son, Steven, making faces.
My great-nephew, Johnathon. He had a grand time!
He spent lots of time on the dance floor.
The cake. It was fabulous! It had a wonderfull filling, the cake was good and the frosting was not overly sweet. I ate 4 pieces! But I danced off the calories!
Bride and bridemaids flowers.
Jesse and Kelley.
Kala, Mom and myself. Kala, Aaron and myself.
Mom and Kala.
Zipping up the wedding dress.
The lights of Duluth reflecting off the lake.
Alan, my oldest son.
On Thursday night, after the groom's dinner a group of us went down to the lift bridge pier. The weather was great for Duluth! No wind and a nice temperature.
Group shot on the pier.
Hali and Mandy.
Lift bridge.
Myself and my cousin Mandy.
Jesse and Hali; Hali, Jesse and Kala; Hali, Chris, and Kala;
Three days before my nephew's wedding my sister, cousin, niece and I all had pedicures.