Monday, September 6, 2010

The following pictures are of the weekend I spent in Duluth for my nephew's wedding.
The day ofter the wedding we went to Gooseberry Falls.

My youngest son, Steven, making faces.
My great-nephew, Johnathon. He had a grand time!

He spent lots of time on the dance floor.

The cake. It was fabulous! It had a wonderfull filling, the cake was good and the frosting was not overly sweet. I ate 4 pieces! But I danced off the calories!

Bride and bridemaids flowers.

Jesse and Kelley.

Kala, Mom and myself.
Kala, Aaron and myself.

Mom and Kala.

Zipping up the wedding dress.

The lights of Duluth reflecting off the lake.

Alan, my oldest son.

On Thursday night, after the groom's dinner a group of us went down to the lift bridge pier. The weather was great for Duluth! No wind and a nice temperature.

Group shot on the pier.

Hali and Mandy.

Lift bridge.
Myself and my cousin Mandy.

Jesse and Hali; Hali, Jesse and Kala; Hali, Chris, and Kala;

Three days before my nephew's wedding my sister, cousin, niece and I all had pedicures.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One friend has arrived in Ecuador and another leaves tomorrow for London for their new teaching jobs. I'm VERY glad it is not me who had fly out.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I found this white dotted fabric as a fat quarter. There were two, so I bought both. When I got them home I thought they would make a great bag. I bought solid colored fabric to match the dots and found a orange dotted fat quarter to match the white one.
I made this large bag for carrying art supplies.
The bag has an middle zippered section, side pockets for a Moleskien, glue bottle, scissors, pens/pencils and for general supplies. It can hold canvases and large sheets of paper.
It didn't come out perfect (I ran into many logistical problems) but it is a fun bag.
(Maybe I drained my creative well when making this?)

I am stuck creatively! I hate when this happens cuz I am in the mood to create. It may not help that my art supplies art scattered around at other places and not with me. Yet a limited amount of supplies should inspire me to be creative with what I have. I even took a walk and that didn't help. HELP!!!
Contrast: One country/city has sidewalks in horrible dis-repair and thousands of people walk them everyday; another country/city has wonderfully maintained sidewalks and it is rare (population wise) to see people using them ever...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

On the 24th my Niece and I held a shower for her soon to be sister-in-law. I made fondant flowers for the cupcakes.
It was lots of work and these weren't even very involved to make. They looked great.

On Tuesday I took a class at the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts. It was called Pulp Painted Portraits.
It was great fun. I love making paper! I made an abstract design also.
The middle picture shows what it looks like after it is pressed.

The Beet Fest this year was a stormy affair. As we attempted the welcoming ceremony it poured and hailed.
We had to check on the T.V. frequently due to tornado watches. The lightening was incredible!
In between showers we managed to continue with the festivities. It was dark a lot so I didn't get the best pictures this year.
We still had a great time despite the weather!

New this year was a beet fight.
This years theme was beet literature. The pinata was made accordingly.
Fest food. I made the peace cake.

Beet audience

Beet lyricists from Chicago.
Queen Alan.

Anticipating the choosing of the new queen.
Queen Lisa